June 4, 2017. In the Gospel of John we don’t hear about hundreds or thousands of people being converted all at once. Instead, we hear how the Spirit can work one person at a time. Pastor Keith’s sermon today is about how we can open our doors and let go of grudges so that the Spirit can work through us, individually and in small groups, sharing the peace of Jesus.
*** [Keywords: 1960s song 2017 Africa Archdiocese Archbishop Carlson Cathedral Basilica Chaifetz Arena Christians and Jews Delmar Easter Ethiopian Ferguson uprising Gethsemane I am the way Indiana Jesus Jesus asks for some water Jewish authorities John Lindell Luke version in Acts Minnesota Pastor Keith Holste Paul converted in a vision Peter boldly preached Philip Reverend Traci Blackmon SLU Saint Louis University Spirit alongside them St. Louis community TaizĂ© Community of France acceptance act one on one affirmation and they’ll know we are Christians by our love anoints them with the Spirit assurance assured of living presence blind bombings en masse book of Acts breath given to Adam breathes on them by our side change for the better church might be born comforts them coming of Spirit community meetings conflicted times courage different view disciples discussions alone distraught and fearful group doing the wash doorway due to fear enmity enters our room fear and anxiety and anger given back fill her water jars forgive like he did game plan gathered getting involved good of the world great sounds grudges die hard grudges we harbor hatred for Jesus having Christians jailed he calls us he is alive healing hear his voice heckled by audience hide behind closed doors hope huddled away hymns images of fire in their midst individual conversations influence inroads into communities killings in the community know his peace large group larger groups live side by side lots of people love him Massachusetts may one day be restored meditative style of music move on to new life my peace I give to you national responsibilites Nicodemus not using door on our behalf on our side one person at a time other townspeople our doors are shut paraclete peace would require forgiveness pilgrimage of trust place of division power of the Spirit prayer presence of God present him well to the world purported religious groups redesign their lives reevaluate our lives refuse to forgive people religious motivations resurrection scared sermon sermon of Peter sharing Gospel sister congregation small groups of people small ways to do things smaller groups social and religious groups of the city stream telling another person tells her about her life temple tend to grudges and differences things can be well in my life thought they were safe thousands converted truth two different kinds of Pentecost ups and downs of life walk of trust walks by us each step we are one in the spirit we have an Advocate we pray that all unity we will walk hand in hand went and got others weren’t so welcome what do we do now? woman at the well women word of life word of mouth work of the spirit is showing work to understand one another yearlong process]