January 22, 2017. Today we hear from the Gospel of Matthew. In the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, he picks up John the Baptist’s message of repentance, going around telling people about a new way to live. He convinces Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew, who were suffering under the thumb of the Roman government, to leave their fishing nets and follow him. Pastor Keith reminds us that while government is a gift, our ultimate allegiance is not to government but to our Lord, who comes to us with good news and a new way to order things.
*** [Keywords: Andrew Capernaum Gentiles God’s benevolent style Greece Herod James Jesus John John the Baptist Joseph Mary Matthew Nazareth Pastor Keith Persia Roman Sea of Galilee Simon called Peter abundance allegiance daily bread democracy disease empire of God fishermen fishing follow me frayed good news government healing healthcare inauguration mending ministry mixed-race nets new economy new way to live politics refugees repentance scarcity separation sickness taxing center trading route wellness wise men]