Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Worship
Education Hour: 9:15am
Worship Service with Holy Communion: 10:30am
Fellowship: 11:30am
Join us for Education Hour & Worship in person or remotely on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 819 7156 2893 | Password: 63119
Call in from Any Phone: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 824 1134 3991 | Password: 63119
Call in from Any Phone: 312-626-6799
All are welcome to join us!
Professional Child Care is provided weekly for members and attending guests from 9am to 11:30pm.
COVID Precautions: Masks are optional to enter the building and will be available at entrances if needed. If you feel unwell, please care for yourself and others by staying home and joining us virtually for worship. We will be happy to see you when you return. Thank you for your commitment to caring for one another!
Under Construction
Renovation has begun!! Flexibility, patience, and teamwork will be our watchwords for the next many months!
Administrative Assistant Transition
As we search for a new administrative assistant, we are very grateful that Kate Hoerchler has agreed to cover some administrative duties on a contract basis. Thank you, Kate!
In this interim time, we thank you in advance for your patience! Here is who to contact with administrative needs that you have, and how to reach Kate:
Bulletins: Kate will work with Worship Team and our proofing team to produce Worship bulletins.
E-mail and Voice Mail: Kate will be checking the main church voice mail and e-mail regularly.
Newsletter and Communications: Pastor Meagan will be producing the newsletter and other e-mails in the interim. Please send any communications needs to her via e-mail
Check Requests: If you have a need for reimbursement, please directly in Larry’s box, in the hallway outside the Conference Room.
Space Needs: Please let Kate and Pastor Meagan know if you need space in the church building. Especially with our renovation process, this will facilitate access to the building, prevent collisions, and ensure that you have the space we need while we are under construction.
Contacting Kate: Please keep in mind that Kate remains first and foremost a beloved parishioner! Please contact Kate via e-mail at, or call her at the main church number 314-962-6011. Please do not reach out to her via cell phone or personal e-mail, or approach her at church on Sundays, regarding administrative needs.
Lots to Celebrate this Sunday!!
This Sunday, September 8, we will be starting our program year with great joy! Sunday School, Sunday Cool, Youth Breakfast, and Sunday Forum will all take place during Education Hour. There is something for everyone!
During Worship, we will bless all of those leading programs this year, and commit as a community to put our faith into action on God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday. We will also bless Rachel Helton, as she begins a new phase of her formation as a Deacon.
AND, after Worship, it’s time for fun and community! We will have yard games and special treats in the church yard, and more treats in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a lunch if you would like to picnic!
Hope to see you all there!
Childcare (Nursery) at Christ Lutheran Survey
We are curious about the childcare needs at Christ Lutheran and want to hear from you! Please click here to answer a very brief survey. Don’t currently have nursery-aged kids? We can still hear from you! Please contact Katie Ciorba at 314-775-9517 if you have any questions or ideas.
Tower Grove Pride Coming Up!
Area Lutheran churches will be sponsoring a booth at Tower Grove Pride September 28th and 29th. We are looking for volunteers to staff the booth and shared the message that the ELCA loves and supports the LGBTIA+ community. If you have any questions, please reach out to Sherry Mitchler
Bake Sale for the Hydrocephalus Foundation!
September 22, 29, and October 6
The bake sale is back! The Wood kids will be holding their 2nd annual bake sale in the Fellowship Hall after service. All proceeds from the sales will be given to the Hydrocephalus Association in honor of Julia Wood.
This year the project is being funded by a Thrivent Action Team grant. If you have any special requests for items to be offered at the bake sale, please let someone in the Wood family know.
Every October the Wood family participates in the annual St. Louis Walk To End Hydrocephalus and appreciates your support in helping to fund research for this condition.
Standing Events
Dwelling in the Word Bible Study – Meets every 2nd Sunday of the month in the Conference Room
Tuesday Morning Bible Study – Meets every Tuesday at 10:30am in the Fellowship Hall
Text Study – Meets every Tuesday at 10:00am at Laclede Groves to review the text for the upcoming Sunday
Fitness Group – Meets every Monday and Thursday at 4:00pm in the Fellowship Hall
Choir Rehearsal – Meets every Wednesday at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary (schedule subject to change)
What’s New
Reflection: Pastor Meagan’s Weekly Reflection is available to read here.
Sermon: All of Pastor Meagan’s recent and not-so-recent sermons are available to listen to and read on our sermons page.
Connect with us on Facebook at
You can make a one-time or recurring gift to the church. Payment options include account, debit, or credit. You can also create a profile to manage your giving through one easy website:
“Welcome and Serve as Jesus Did”
Vision Statement
Deepening people’s connections to Christ,
Bringing meaning to daily life, and
Making a difference in our community.
Who We Are
Christ Lutheran is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We are a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community in which people of all ages, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions, ethnic and racial backgrounds, economic conditions, people living with mental health challenges, people who are disabled, and all who feel excluded, are embraced and celebrated.